Wednesday, July 15, 2009


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How to Survive Your Freshman Year in High School

Freshman year in high school is a crucial time in your life. You have finally grown out of middle school, and it is now time to hang with the big kids. These simple tips with videos will help you get through that oh-so-stressful freshman year, and maybe even have some fun.


Make good first impressions,(really important on high school )especially on teachers. The impressions you make during the first week of school affect your entire high school career...with most teachers, if they get it in their heads that you're a good student early you won half the battle. Be sure to be on time for every class during this short period of judgment. When all of your teachers hand you those syllabus papers to get signed, try to bring it back the next day. (Even though it is easy to forget, TRY.) In regards to your fellow classmates; be yourself. It is important to earn the respect and companionship of your peers early on in the school year.

what to have for high school

  • 2 3" binder: picture
  • Dividers: picture
  • Reinforce:
  • sharpie pens: picture
  • colored pencil: picture 
  • marker: picture                                                                                           
  • scissor: picture
  • protractor kit: picture
  • glue stick: picture
  • ruler: picture
  • pencil: picture  
  • pencil sharpener: picture
  • Backpack: picture

Find a group of people to sit with at lunch – as soon as possible. The lunch “break” that high-schoolers are allowed is, at first, one of the most stressful experiences of the beginning of the year in high school. If you spot some of your middle school friends gathering together at a table, join in. Be aware, though, that these seating arrangements are often permanent. Pick your table wisely. here is the video

so many people change to try to fit with the cool kids or the popular crowd, don't change your self to fit in with the cool kids.                                                                      

Mean Girls

Mean girls are the perfect example of what is going on in life outside the front door, it is a war zone in the playground

Find someone who you can follow to class. If Ashley or Josh are in both your first and second periods, then he/she can help you find your way to your next class. High Schools are big and scary at first, so it can’t hurt to have your own personal tour guide. If your classmate is as lost as you are, at least you won’t be lost alone.
Do not procrastinate. The sooner you get things done, the more time you will have to do the things you like to do. No matter how much you would love to plop down in front of the T.V. after a hard day, try to get to work as soon as possible.
You need your friends for survival. Do not let go. Friends are your life jackets in the shipwreck of high school -- without them, you could sink. Everyone needs someone to lean on and someone who cares. Stick with those who know you best and like you for who you are.
Accept change. Accept change in your friends. Accept change in your school. Accept change in your teachers. Accept change in yourself. High school is a huge part of your life, and from here on out, there’s no going back. Do not try to keep things from changing, because change is good. Watch people around you become who they are going to be.

Study!Many people find flashcards helpful studying tools. Flashcards are one of the most efficient ways of studying because by making them, you have already begun to study. Writing down the questions and answers on note cards helps the information stick in your brain just long enough to take that pesky midterm.
Be involved in some sort of extracurricular activity. Fall sports that begin before school are always a plus because they allow you to meet new people and make new friends before school even begins. High school is a great time to figure out what you are interested in, and follow your interests through clubs and sports. These activities are also a crucial part of your college application. As more and more people apply to colleges every year, colleges become more and more focused on the smaller details, such as your extracurricular activities.

Eat lunch. Whether you eat in the cafeteria or bring your lunch your brain/body needs energy to perform. launch time video
On the first day don't wear your holster pants, and carrying your holster will have freshman written all over you. just wear something simple and cute


☻ Do not  ask upperclassman to help if you are lost ( ask a teacher or a friend ) because they might point you in the wrong direction
☻ Don't run to lunch
☻  Don't stop on the hallways
☻ Do not tell your boyfriend or girlfriend, you love him/ her in the same week you started dating them.

Relax! Try not to get yourself too worked up about that test you bombed or the homework you left in your printer at home.
Use your locker in high school. Not only do you look like a hunchback, toting all of your books around on your back, but it can’t be very comfortable either. Find which times of the day are best for you to go to your locker.
these videos are some use full video that you have to use them in your real life especially for freshman year students just all of them. 


1)how to open a locker here
2)locker combination here

You've heard it a million times, but actually, do it! Be Yourself!(in high school) Make sure that people like you for who you are, rather than who you are pretending to be.

Enjoy yourself! Freshman year can be so much fun if you choose to make it so.

Be outgoing. Let people know you exist, but make sure you don't cross that thin line of annoyance. Being known in a high school, or being popular, is important. But isn't necessary. By the time senior year rolls around the most popular of all are the ones who never tried to be cool, they were always just themselves and were extremely laid back and just fun to be around. A freshman running around trying to talk to everyone they can is just annoying and isn't going to get you anywhere


Don’t try to be something you are not. Poseurs are never well respected.
We all send the occasional text message during class, but avoid, at all costs, eagle eyes of a teacher. Some teachers may only warn you, some may take your phone for the period, and some may even hang onto it for the whole day. Don’t let this happen to you!
Keep your locker(s) locked at all times. High school theft is not uncommon.
Don't ever be late to class! This is a teacher's biggest pet peeve.
Don't ask juniors or seniors for directions to your class. More than likely, they will give you the wrong directions.

Scholarship and Financial Aid 

There are several free sources to locate scholarships. Some are online and some are in the community itself. Just remember, some of these take the time to hear if a person accepted for it.

First, it is an idea to fill out the FAFSA form because it will help you tap into need-based financial aid on the federal and state government level along with the college itself. It becomes available on January 1 for the fall semester. This is based on the family income and family resources.

Second, go to the high school guidance office because they have a list of local scholarships for students to apply for consideration.

Third, the college's financial aid office and website have a list of private scholarships offered by organizations and companies. Sometimes, the individual college major website will list scholarships, too.

Fourth, go to the public library since there is a book there with a list of scholarships. Often, it lists scholarships not listed on the websites or scholarship search websites.

Finally, join several free membership scholarship search websites. Most are updated on a regular basis. Most offer a customized search based on the information you enter into a website form.


  1. this is best and again best site. it helped me in my fresh man year i like it . even it helped me befor school started also in the first day and all the year

  2. hmm, nice tips,
    but i reckon high school is more fun,
    if you learn by making these mistakes.
